Types of leads for gundog training

gundog lead types

Choosing the right lead for your gundog training sessions might seem like a simple decision, but in reality, it can have a significant impact on how well your dog responds to commands.

Each type of lead offers distinct advantages depending on what stage of training you’re in or what behaviour you’re trying to reinforce.

Let’s explore the different leads available and why they matter more than you might think.

1. Slip Leads: The No-Fuss, Go-To Option

Slip leads are a staple in the gundog training world, loved for their simplicity. One quick loop around the dog’s neck, and you’re ready to go.

The beauty of slip leads lies in their immediacy—there’s no need to fumble with clips or buckles.

These leads require skillful handling to ensure they deliver gentle corrections rather than constant pressure. When used correctly, a slip lead teaches your dog to respond intuitively to your cues, making it a great tool for foundational training.

Best for: Day-to-day use, basic obedience, and instilling a sense of discipline without overcomplicating things.

2. Check Cords: Where Freedom Meets Control

Then you have check cords—those long, sturdy leads that give your dog more freedom but keep you in control.

If you’re working on recall or distance training, check cords are invaluable. Imagine you’re trying to teach your gundog to retrieve from a distance—this lead lets them roam but ensures they won’t run off completely.

With lengths typically ranging from 20 to 30 feet, check cords are the middle ground between a regular leash and being entirely off-lead, making them perfect for introducing more advanced commands.

Best for: Recall, distance work, or situations where off-lead behavior is the goal but you’re not quite ready to take off the training wheels.

3. Adjustable Leads: The Chameleons of the Lead World

Adjustable leads are the Swiss Army knives of gundog training. They’re dynamic, letting you alter the length as needed.

Need your dog close at heel? No problem. Want to give them a bit more freedom during a training session? Extend the lead.

This versatility is a huge plus for trainers who deal with a variety of scenarios in one session. The ability to adjust on the fly gives you more control over the pace of your dog’s training, adapting to their progress in real time.

Best for: Trainers who need flexibility in their tools—whether working on close obedience or transitioning to more advanced retrieves.

4. Harness Leads: For Gentle Giants (or Stubborn Pullers)

Not all gundogs respond well to traditional collars, especially if they tend to pull.

Enter the harness lead, which distributes pressure across the dog’s body rather than focusing it on the neck.

While not a go-to for hardcore training, harness leads can be incredibly useful for younger dogs that need to learn not to pull or those that are prone to neck strain. Plus, they offer a kinder alternative for dogs that need more gentle guidance before they’re ready for more advanced training techniques.

Best for: Younger or excitable dogs, or those prone to pulling or lunging during early training.

So, How Do You Choose?

The right lead can make all the difference between a productive training session and one where you and your dog are at odds.

Slip leads give you control with simplicity, while check cords offer a balance between freedom and discipline.

Adjustable leads adapt to whatever situation you’re in, and harness leads offer gentle guidance for those dogs who need a bit more comfort. Each has its place in the training toolkit.

At Goygar, we know that no two dogs—or training sessions—are exactly alike. That’s why we offer a variety of leads designed to help your dog perform at its best, whatever stage of training they’re in. The right lead, much like the right training method, is key to unlocking your dog’s full potential.